Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spring Madness...

Now that my first semester at Arizona State University is over, I will have three weeks to devote to my kids and updating the blog! Hopefully you all enjoy it as much as I do, I love sharing my life and my kids with you. :)

                         Justin... "Ahhh, it burns... I'm a vampire..." (It was barely 70 degrees). LOL!

                                                               Little Miss Emma Rose :)
                   It's still 70 degrees. Justin is wearing his winter hat and lying under a sleeping bag!!
 You can't see it very well, but Emma & Alex have the sprinkler spraying on the trampoline...
                                                                                 Me :)
                                                                                  Shawn :)
                                                Alex is pretending he is knight slaying a dragon.

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